5. mars 2025


Kafe K | Porsgrunn



Northern Comfort Tour 2025
5-time german Rock&Pop award winner Sebastian Dracu returning
to northern Europe this February and March.

It’s been one year since the probably most unique german Rock-Musician has blasted through the
cold and beautiful north: „The first tour in 2024 was so incredible. The people were unbelievably
great and the hospitality made me feel right at home. I had to come back!”, Dracu concludes after
his first trip.

Dracu is received many awards for his one-of-a-kind voice, songwriting and guitar-playing, but is
also notoriously known for his opposition to the mainstream and his deep love for cultural
awareness. No streaming, no trends, but real people and real shows. Dracu likes to get to know his
crowd as he offers them a beautiful mixture of rock&soul music, handmade with no extras. Where
ever the 32-year old guitar-slinger goes, he brings his bag of inspiring stories, his unmatched energy
and presence to the stage.

Raised by old Blues and Hardrock from the 70s, and modern Heavy-Metal of northern Europa alike,
Dracu knows how to combine skill and feeling to make his songs accessible, no matter if one is
young, old, a blues-lover or a headbanger. “Sure, I was a huge student of Jimi Hendrix, Muddy
Waters or Deep Purple, but Turbonegro or Children of Bodom mean just as much to me. So this
really is all natural for me. ”, Dracu addresses his influences.